The USAID story
The news coming out of DOGE on USAID (United States Agency for International Development) is shocking to many, but it is also confirming what many of us knew – or at least suspected. It gets worse with each revelation of corruption, grift, and money laundering. Sickening.
Sen. Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee on X) said “USAID is what money laundering looks like” when commenting on an X post by @MilaLovesJoe that said “George Soros received $260M from USAID. Chelsea Clinton received $84M from USAID. Thousands of North Carolinians are living in tents and it’s snowing on them. They got $750.”
Importantly, it is not just Democrats growing rich off the USAID corruption train. Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol are just two names on the ‘right’ linked to USAID corruption, and there will be more - a lot more. For anyone on X interested on a deep dive into USAID @DataRepublican seems like a good source to follow. DataRepublican also has a Substack to follow.
The manipulation is obvious. Time will tell the scope, the dollar amounts, and recipients, it will be something to behold. But what does USAID have to do with The Great Taking?
Take a walk with me. A long and winding walk connecting some dots.
William (Bill) Dentzer is someone you should know about. His is an interesting story.
Dentzer became involved with the National Student Association while in college and after he graduated from college he became President of that student organization. In that position he traveled the country to help student organizations become ‘more relevant’1. He also became involved in international student activity allegedly to combat communism.
CIA Connection
According to Dentzer, they were raising money for international student programs from the Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs. It was only after he left the National Student Association, he said, that he learned the funds coming through the Foundation for Student Affairs came from the CIA. Dentzer contradicts this statement later in the interview when he said “We always knew that CIA funding could blow at some point. That was always the risk. But we got money for what we wanted to do.” Spooks gonna spook. Dot – connect.
Dentzer states that he then enlisted in the Army and after Basic Training he was assigned to the CIA in 1956. The CIA just keeps popping up, odd that. At the CIA he worked at CIA’s “Foreign Aid Task Force that gave birth to the Agency for International Development.” Dentzer confirms that the CIA spawned USAID which was formed a few years later after the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act.
Dentzer then went to work for USAID and met Eugene Black, former head of the World Bank, one of the folks Pres. Kennedy appointed to get USAID off the ground. According to Dentzer “It was my relationship with Eugene Black that, in fact, subsequently, brought me to New York in 1969.” But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Dentzer served as special assistant to the first two people who headed USAID. He primarily worked in Central and South America for USAID through the mid ‘60s before returning to the US in 1968.
Rockefeller Connection
Shortly after his return to the US, he was appointed by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, yes Rockefeller, to be New York Superintendent of Banks in March of 1970. This despite having no experience in banking, he must have had some great references! It is worth noting that the Rockefeller Foundation and USAID are, as they say, closely linked and Gov. Rockefeller’s younger brother David was President of Chase Manhattan bank at the time. Dot > connect.
Two years later he left that position and moved to Central Certificate Service (CSC), a division of the Stock Clearing Corporation of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). At the time the Banking and Securities Industry Committee (BASIC) comprised of the New York Clearing House, the major NY Banks, the NYSE, the NASD, and the AMEX was heavily involved.
BASIC was interested in a ‘private sector solution’ to the ‘paperwork crisis’. By way of background, the ‘Paperwork Crisis’ allegedly occurred in the late 60s as the trading volume of stock trades continued to grow. It got to the point that for several months in 1968 the stock exchange closed on Wednesdays to catch up on the paperwork.
Oddly, that was it. The ‘Paperwork Crisis’ faded away but not before the crisis could be put to work justifying the next move. In fact, the ‘Paperwork Crisis’ continues to justify the moves in the 1990s to today that strip individuals of property rights. Never let a crisis go to waste they say – and they haven’t.
Back to 1972, the CSC was spun out of Central Certificate Service (and the NYSE) and became CSC, Inc. BASIC again was closely involved in all of this and, according to Dentzler, had a good relationship with the bodies involved in amending the Uniform Commercial Code at the state level. In May of 1973 Dentzer changed the name of CSC, Inc. to Depository Trust Company (DTC) and de-materialization was off and running. Dot connect.
The push to amend Article 8 of the UCC in 1994 was described by the lead drafter as ‘Armageddon planning’ for the big banks, those deemed global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). This law puts your investment assets at risk to protect the G-SIBs in a systemic financial crisis – without your knowledge or consent. The tinkering with the UCC continues today and the tinkering is not in your favor. I wonder if any of the special interest behind amending the UCC have links to USAID or other government funding, Elon?
Must Have Been Some Resume
So, a guy who worked for the CIA and USAID – with no banking experience - went from NY Superintendent of Banks to Chairman and CEO of DTC in three years. That is some upward mobility. And I am sure his history and connections with the CIA and USAID played no role in his meteoric rise and in the formation and operation of DTC. (sarc)
In the late 1990s Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) was formed as the umbrella organization for DTC, the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), and several other clearing entities, each recognized as a ‘clearing corporation’ under Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Article 8. DTCC is owned by its participating members who are the biggest banks and large broker dealers, cozy no? And the banks that lend money to DTCC entities have special priority over investors under UCC Article 8 and this will play a major role in The Great Taking. This priority (favor) given to the big banks that lend to DTCC is the definition of ‘to big too fail’.
In the late 1990s Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) was formed as the umbrella organization for DTC, the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), and several other clearing entities, each recognized as a ‘clearing corporation’ under Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Article 8. DTCC is owned by its participating members who are the biggest banks and large broker dealers, cozy no? And the banks that lend money to DTCC entities have special priority over investors under UCC Article 8 and this will play a major role in The Great Taking. Connect.
Clearing Corporations
What is a clearing corporation? Under UCC Article 8 Clearing Corporation is defined as:
(i) a person that is registered as a "clearing agency" under the federal securities laws;
(ii) a federal reserve bank; or
(iii) any other person that provides clearance or settlement services with respect to financial assets that would require it to register as a clearing agency under the federal securities laws but for an exclusion or exemption from the registration requirement, if its activities as a clearing corporation, including promulgation of rules, are subject to regulation by a federal or state governmental authority.
[Note: ‘person’ under the law of most states means an individual, a corporation, limited liability company, a partnership, or other entity]
DTCC and its subsidiaries qualify under (i) and together clear over 90% of all US trading activity in stocks and bonds. And to the extent physical securities exist they are held at DTCC under the nominee name CEDE & Co. These certificates and bonds never move, trades between members are netted (allegedly) each day on the Members’ digital accounts at DTCC.
Yes, item (ii) caught my eye too. We are digging into that, and this post is already too long. We’ll get back to this and what it truly means.
Connection to The Great Taking
Under UCC Article 8 – on the books in all 50 states – the banks that lend to DTCC and related Clearing Corporations have the authority to suck up all of the stocks and bonds held by DTCC if (when?!) DTCC or a subsidiary fails – in other words, everything. The Great Hoovering indeed.
Side note: I first came across DTC in the mid 1980s working for First Trust Company in St. Paul, and the nominee name used by DTC was (and still is) CEDE & Co., I assumed the pronunciation was (long) C – (long) D & Co. But I now know it is CEDE, as in ceding (surrendering) property rights. They often tell you exactly who they are because they can’t help themselves. But we need eyes to see and ears to hear. End of side note.
USAID and the CIA have a close familial relationship – there is no Chinese Wall between them, there is a revolving door. If you ran an on the two it would show a close kinship, very close. Add in the Rockefeller Foundation, similar entities, and the ‘too big to fail’ banks and the picture of what we are up against clears. Dot Connecting.
These people are not going to sit back while a handful of citizens and state legislators start poking around. They have worked too long and too hard for this. We are not surprised that the bank lobbyists, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Uniform Law Commission are pulling out all the stops and twisting every arm to stop our efforts to protect personal property. We do not expect the true powers that be to freely let go of the corruption and theft - we threaten their meal ticket.
I put it this way to a legislator recently. If you introduced a Bill to improve the safety and security of chicken coops, the lobbyists for the fox industry would line up against it – the analogy applies here. We are threatening their food supply just the same.
Fourth Turning
We are in the Crisis era of a Fourth Turning as outlined in the book The Fourth Turning, An American Prophecy by William Strauss and Neil Howe. The Climax and Resolution of this Fourth Turning cannot yet be known. The coming new world as they say is in our own hands, at least to some extent, despite the late hour.
There is much more on our plates today. I have not even mentioned the Failure to Deliver (FTD) issues on Wall Street that DTCC and the SEC whistle past. Or the trading taking place in Dark Pools. Fourth Turnings are never boring. Buckle up.
I said it before – but the powers behind The Great Taking do not need your stocks or your IRA, they print money and make trillions with naked short selling and market manipulation. No, they do not need your property – they just can’t allow you to have it. This is about subjugation – slavery. The end game.
Writing of the Climax to a Fourth Turning the authors wrote “The climax can end in triumph, or tragedy, or some combination of both. Whatever the event, whatever the outcome, a society passes through a great gate of history, fundamentally altering the course of civilization.”2
What resolution of this Fourth Turning do you want for your family and this country? Some are sounding the alarm; warning bells are ringing - will you answer?
The specific information on William Dentzer is taken from Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society Interview with William Dentzer Conducted on July 20, 2011, by James Stocker
The Fourth Turning An American Prophecy, by William Strauss and Neil Howe. Pg. 255 of the 1998 paperback edition