If you could put together an "activist" packet something like they did on fluoridealert.org which is one of the most organized website I have ever seen or interacted with, it would be greatly appreciated by citizen activists like me. Although I have no skin in the game so to speak, I care about the people of my state ending up homeless, being cheated out of their homes and land and retirement savings by the devil so to speak. I am going to a meeting in January and all I can give them about what I've learned is a few websites but maybe I can convince to have another meeting in which we show some of the videos. I am with you in this fight and will do my best to involve more people. Have you read The History of Central Banking and The Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson? I recommend the archived edition; the ADL didn't like the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd edition and they can't be found for sale, only the highly edited 4th edition. https://ia801903.us.archive.org/33/items/stephen-goodson-a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind.org/A%20History%20of%20Central%20Banking%20and%20the%20Enslavement%20of%20Mankind%20by%20Stephen%20Goodson%20%28z-lib.org%29.pdf

Also I do know what's happening and have sites on several issues. The following is another one, and yes, the American public is under attack: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/385206510_Excess_Cardiopulmonary_Arrest_and_Mortality_after_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_King_County

King County first large county to reach 70 percent with one vaccine ...

King County Executive Dow Constantine today announced more than 70 percent of all eligible King County residents across all age and racial/ethnic groups have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine based on data tracked by Public Health – Seattle & King County.

And this about Atrazine: You would think with the science in this article, the FDA would not be considering raising the current allowable limits of atrazine in our water by three times the current amount, so the following reports states.

Atrazine Ages Brain Cells


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I believe in what you are doing but you keep claiming to need local involvement, yet you do not have a 'free' choice for signing up nor the lowest price for a monthly subscription which is $5, not $7 or $8. I mean, how christian is that? It makes you look very un Christian and you do not want to look "very Christian." The reason I am participating in your efforts to bring awareness to UCC, Sec. 8 is because I am fully aware that my Christian friends that I call on occasionally to use their washing machine, or to give paid labor plus trade to the gardens they grow, or even have a friend that helps me sometimes; UCC will effect our ability to give neighbor to neighbor. It's abhorrant and the web who watches us tells me i just spelled it wrong when i just brought it up to discover the spelling; part of why Sec 8 and so much else is happening. I would ask you to review a website called fluoridealert.org, one of the best organized websites I've ever seen as a lifelong person who questions authority, not because I'm asking you to join that fight, I'm doing that locally, but because you need to create something similar. I addressed my city council for 3 short minutes on the issue of fluoride and was't done before they cut me off, but I had given them beforehand a packet addressing said issue so they could review and question and explore after what I organized for 3 minutes as the most salient points. Today, they want a meeting with me after giving them my research. What does all this mean? For me, the UCC issue is probably more important. I wish you would not be like the trying to be elected and can't if you don't already have a lot of money. Truly believe in your majority poor; lower your rates, grab what Fred Hampton did and died for; uniting people of multiple colors into a cause for all humanity. I've already copied your post and sent it to Judy Warnick, 13th legislative district in Washington State, But I sent many with websites to Ok and Kansas and the web and your substack. You are right, change needs to come from the people. But who/what "class" of people? Please do not exclude the poor when you could charge $5 for saving the middle class.


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