The 2025 legislative sessions have started in quite a few states.
We want to give an update on the legislative action as of January 30, 2025.
Bills to Stop The Great Taking have been formally introduced in the following states:
State Bill Number
NH HB 427
ND SB 2364
SD HB 1122
TN HB 443
MS HB 170
CT HB 5849
WY SF 0189
If you live in one of these states reach out to your state representatives and politely ask them to support this Bill – mention the Bill #. (Note HB stands for House Bill, SB stands for Senate Bill and some states, like Wyoming above us SF for Senate File or HF for House File). It is important to identify the specific Bill.
(Note: if you do not know who that is simply ‘google’ your state legislature and you will see a website to identify your legislator and how to contact them)
We are working with several other states and will update this list as Bills are formally introduced.
If your state is not listed, you should contact your legislator and ask him or her to look into this issue. Legislators are very busy during a legislative session and if they have not heard about The Great Taking and what to do about it from voters they will focus on something else.
The filing deadlines for Bills in the 2025 session is already closed in some states and closing soon in others.
Spread the word!
For legislators, family, and friends who do not know about this issue - or need to learn more - share this Substack and our website www.trunorthpublic
Also -
Stop It - The Great Taking documentary here or send them to The Great Taking Report which is free for state legislators.
David R. Webb and James Patrick, the documentary filmmaker, recently appeared on a Rumble Podcast with SGT Report, think link is HERE.
And for anyone who wants a shorter explanation Taylor Kenny with ITM Trading, Inc. lays out The Great Taking amazingly well in just 13 minutes! Here is a link to that YouTube.
In his documentary James Patrick shared a powerful quote from attributed to Augustine: