First of all thank you to our good friend Rep. Auch for boldly shining the light on the issues with the Uniform Commercial Code. And thank you to Sarah Westall for using your platform to get the word out. The response to this podcast has been tremendous. Our team is responding to the calls and emails as best we can.
I am dropping this short post to clarify a few things from the podcast and in response to several emails we have received.
First the version of SD HB 1199 (2024) that is available online has a drafting error. This error was corrected in an amendment in SD but that corrected version is not available online. If you have downloaded that version to give to a legislator in your state we will need to correct the drafting error before it is introduced.
Second, many of you have requested that we put you in touch with any groups in your state who are working on this issue. So far our focus has been on working with state legislators and we are not aware of any other group that is specifically addressing The Great Taking. We do want to build the grass roots effort that will be needed to overcome the obstacles to get this legislation passed and we are looking at how to organize and get the word out in your state. For now, we will do our best to coordinate with you and others in your state.
Third, many of you have asked if this UCC Article 8 issue has been addressed in your state. The blanket answer is no. UCC Article 8 in every state we have looked at has this ticking time bomb.
Fourth, as Sarah Westall pointed out this is a bi-partisan issue, there is an earlier post on this Substack discussing that, so those of you in ‘Blue States’ take heart.
Fifth, our time and resources so far have focused on working with state legislators and we are now working on our website to provide resources. That is a work in process so this Substack will continue to be the best place to keep up to date. We are very new to Substack so be patient.
Sixth, there was a lot of discussion on the podcast about the threat to your home and your equity. Based on my research to date I believe that there are still a few missing pieces before that risk is fully realized. The UCC 2022 Amendment that Rep. Auch discussed at first does play a big role in this. The UCC 2022 Amendment amended UCC Article 9 and created a new Article 12. We are still looking at how these changes to Articles 9 & 12 related to the Article 8 ‘Great Taking’ provisions. I can almost see your eyes glazing over so I will leave it at that for now. A future Post will address this concern.
Bette Grande is Policy Director at Pro-Family Legislative Network (PFLN), a division of WallBuilders and PFLN has been instrumental in getting this work off the ground. We TruNorth Public Policy, LCC to work with legislators at the state level, our only priority is to stop The Great Taking. PFLN’s focus is on working with state legislators so if you are a citizen who wants to get involved I suggest you reach out to Bette or me at TruNorth. My email at TruNorth and Bette’s is
Finally, thank you for your interest in freedom and liberty, please share this Substack with your friends and anyone who can help by getting involved.
I am finishing up a Post that provides some history and context to laws behind The Great Taking - the Who, What, Why, When - that may be helpful to connect some dots. I hope to publish that post in the next day or so.
Thank you
Not finding because it goes to wall which not what Julie Auch named. Is there site where we can check if our state government is working on UCC changes??